Keystones Mental Health Support Services

Keystones Mental Health Support Services Logo


Being Referred to Keystones

If you are interested in a placement at Keystones, please let your Social Worker know, and they can get in touch with us.

Keystones placements are funded by Bristol City Council, and all referrals must go through their internal process and be arranged by a Social Worker.

We also accept placements from out of area. If you live in a different part of the UK and are interested in moving to Keystones, please ask your Social Worker to email for a referral pack.

If you have Housing and Support needs, but do not have a Social Worker, you can call

Care Direct     0117 922 2700

What is the Referral Process?

  • Your Social Worker will send us some information about you and your care needs.
  • We will then think about the vacancies we have available and if they would be suitable for you. We also think about the Service Users who already live in our houses and whether we think you will be compatible with them. We also think about whether we have the right skills to meet your needs.
  • If we feel we can help you, we will invite you to visit Keystones. You can bring a family member or staff member with you. You can meet the staff, see the house you could live in and meet your potential housemates. If we have more than 1 vacancy, we will usually show you 2 houses so you have some choice.
  • Lots of people get nervous about visiting new places, so sometimes we start with a video call before you visit in person. You can ask questions and find out what it could be like to live at Keystones.
  • If the visit goes well, we will ask for a bit more information from the professionals that work with you (your NHS team, your support workers)
  •  We then make a final decision and plan a move in date- Welcome to your new home!


For Professionals:

Who do we support?

People whose primary (main) need is mental health support

    • People whose primary (main) need is mental health support

    (may have additional diagnoses/needs such as LD or Autism.

    • Can manage overnight without ‘waking’ support

    Our Out of Hours Mobile is available for emotional support (6pm-10am)

    • Can manage in shared living environments

    Usually 6 bedrooms, with shared lounge, kitchen, bathrooms and garden

    • Have identified care and support needs and have an allocated Social Worker

    For funding purposes

If you are thinking of referring a person but are unsure if they are eligible, please contact us and request a copy of our eligibility criteria.



Our Team
